Saturday, July 09, 2005

PR - Blades


The Saskatoon Blades ended their 5 game loosing streak earlier this week, bringing their last ten games standing to 3-7-0. In a rare Press Release, Blades' head coach Lorne Mulligan stated: "We know that we have been building a bad reputation for the franchise this year, but every team has a rebuilding period, and this is ours. Early on we knew that we wouldn't be competing this year, an early Theodore trade is proof of that."

The Blades traded top goalie Jose Theodore early in the season for some young prospects and draft picks. Said GM Brad Greer: "We figured that the Blades couldn't be a cup contending team with the members that we had; with numerous retirements in the works and lacking depth in every department, we decided to trade long time Blades staple Jose Theodore in order to round out the team." When asked to comment on the fact that the top 5 team is now at the bottom of the league, Greer simply replied "Some one's gotta be last." Someone's gotta be last indeed, Brad.

With a two game winning streak under their belt, (one of the Blades best streaks so far this season) and trades for top young bloods and stars like Lance Monych and Scott Hartnell, could the Blades be on their way to their former glory? "We just want to make it to the playoffs," was all Greer had to say. We won't hold our breaths.

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